Baby Lily sings a song and learns to count on her fingertips. She is so adorable, and her cute voice will surely make you smile. This is a great video to watch with your kids to help them learn counting while having fun!
Even babies know the importance of family. Just watch little Lily as she goes around counting her fingers and pointing to each member of her family. Isn't it adorable? Baby Lily is on a mission to discover the magical power of numbers! She's singing and showing off her fingers, learning about how counting can unlock all sorts of possibilities. Even with Daddy around as an extra teacher, it looks like Baby Lily has got this educational journey covered! In this video, Baby Lily is learning about the numbers on different fingers of her hand. She starts by singing a song, showing her fingers, and then moves on to talk to her father. First, she sings, "Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you," Daddy replies by singing a song, "Here I am, Here I am. How do you do". Again Baby Lily asks, "Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, What do you do" then daddy replies by singing, "Play Guitar, Play Guitar, That's what I do." Then Baby Lily goes to her mummy and asks the same by showing another finger and singing simultaneously. Then she goes to her brother, sister, and baby and repeats the song. Finally, she asks the same questions showing all her 5 fingers one by one and asking where they are and what they do. This is a great video for kids who want to learn more about tone and pitch!