Baby Lily Dreams of Being with Her Sister in the Sky with Stars. Baby Lilly's Dream of Flying with the Stars Story. Watch it and learn about her dream.
Baby Lily dreams of being with her sister. Even more precious is the fact that she dreams of being with her sister while singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." This is definitely a video you'll want to share with your friends! Baby Lily is sleeping in her home and dreaming that she is above the cloud with her sister. They both follow one star and explore the sky. There are soo many stars in the sky, and they become so excited to see them. They both look around in amazement and feel like they're flying. They feel like they are sleeping on clouds and roaming around the clouds and stars. They finally arrive in a beautiful place with a bright place, many twinkling stars, and lots of colorful hangings. Lily's sister is so happy to be there with her, and they enjoy a lot of fun activities together. They also meet many friendly twinkling stars joining them on their journey. In the end, they say goodbye waving their hand to the start they were following for their clods journey. This is a beautiful story about Lily's dream, and it will make you feel like flying with the stars. It teaches us that dreams can come true when we follow our heart and passion. It's an amazing journey, and it will be sure to make